PCC 411

PCC Minutes: Monday 22nd July 2024 

St Luke’s Church, Grayshott 

Meeting 411 of the PCC in the Timothy Room at 7.00 pm.

 Present:  PCC Members:  Revd Jeremy Haswell (Chairman), Sheila Austin, Clive Purkiss, Clive Loder, Hilary Loder, Anna Lescure, Graeme Bowerbank, Alice Murphy, Anne Gale-Jones, Viv Ward, Susanne Wavre. 

In attendance: Licensed Lay Minister: Susie Millard; PCC Secretary, Edward Tobin 

 1. Welcome and opening prayer 

Revd Haswell opened the meeting at 7.08 pm. He took a text from Psalm 33 v 1-9 and opened the meeting with a prayer. 

2. Apologies  

Philippa Whitaker, Jeremy Hassell.  

3. Minutes of PCC Meeting 410 on 20th May 2024 

The minutes were agreed. The vacant positions of churchwarden and one PCC member were noted and the vacancy on the Standing Committee. 

With these amendments, the minutes were signed by the chairman.  

3a Matters arising – there were none.     

3b Review of the Action Plan:        

Sharing the Load (updated by Sheila Austin – version 11). 

This had been circulated before the meeting.  

Sheila noted that several Risk Assessments need to be done.  

Hilary had already made out a generic risk assessment for hospitality events and discussed it with Anne Gale-Jones who had signed it. Hilary had also made out risk assessments for Pastoral Care and Home Groups. However, the Thursday Lunch Club need to do their own risk assessment. This will need to include any potential allergens in the meals they prepare. 

Hilary asked that Risk Assessments are sent to Anna Gilderson for her to put on one drive after they are discussed with all concerned. There should be a hard copy file kept in the office.  

Parish Fundraising Update – The vicar summarised a recent meeting and thanked Jonathan Tippett for leading the team. Sheila mentioned a planned bridge fundraising event. The vicar thanked Anne Gale-Jones for planning the recent festival. Donations to the church from the recent Grayshott Concerts Friends’ Evening netted just under £500. The vicar thanked Clive and Gill Purkiss for continuing their fundraising Sunday lunches.  

I-Know Church training – The vicar said that Anna Gilderson had used Church Suite software in the past and there was a discussion of the pro’s and con’s of each.  

4. APCM Draft Minutes 

    These had been circulated to PCC members but cannot be approved until 2025 APCM  

5. Safeguarding 

Hilary said that new PCC members are getting DBS checks done and have started     online training. She intends to run a group course at her home in late August.   

She discussed the Safeguarding Action Plan which had been circulated before the meeting for the PCC to approve. This was proposed by the vicar and seconded by Clive Loder and approved unanimously.  

There were queries about the Superhero group although this may not come under St.Luke’s umbrella. The vicar will discuss this with Kirsty (the leader).  

The vicar thanked Hilary for all the work she had done on this.  

Penny and Hilary are aiming to get from level 2 to level 3 when they will be able to access the dashboard about our parish’s safeguarding on the Diocesan Website.  

6. Church Services from September 2024  

The Vicar had had a discussion with the Licensed Lay Ministers, Susie and Chris.  

For the time being the monthly format would remain the same but with a view to revising it in January 2025.  

There followed a discussion about the various services. During August it is planned that there will be a 10.30am Worship Service followed by an 11.30am BCP Holy Communion service each Sunday. There will be no 8.30 am or 6pm services during August. Hilary pointed out that Oasis and WAFFFL would continue as usual.   

7. Reports 

7a. Vicar’s Report  

The Vicar reminded PCC members of the aims of the Church Development Plan. 

In our CDP, we identified three areas to focus our attention.   

  1. Grow our Finances,  

  1. Growing our attendance,  

  1. Deepening our discipleship through Home Groups  

He encouraged people to attend the Church Growth Conference in October. He outlined plans for the home groups in September.  

Susie mentioned the recent Grayshott School end of term service, which was well attended, and many parents came. Every child was given a bible which was funded by donations from the church. There had also been a 2-hour workshop on a Thursday afternoon for gold class. They had been given a Scripture Union booklet. Graeme asked whether this might be available in a digital version that might be more interactive, but it was thought this was not yet available.  

The vicar thanked Susie for the wonderful work being done in the school and the good relationship of the headmaster with the church.  

Anna Lescure was concerned that the parents of the schoolchildren are not attending Sunday services. This was discussed. The vicar asked people to pray about this. 

Hilary reminded the meeting that the relationship between church and school had not always been so good in the past. Susie pointed out that parents of the schoolchildren do attend the Nativity and Palm Sunday Services.  

The vicar outlined plans for further outreach and asked all PCC members to “own” and explore ways to move forward.  

7b. Treasurer’s Report  

Viv has returned the 2023 reports to the Charity Commission and Diocese and completed the Energy Footprint Tool. The March accounts have allowed a reforecast of the deficit. This takes our original budget of £ (25,623) to a revised position of £ (17,478).  

Regarding out Parish Share, we are £11,926.08 behind on payments at 30 June 2024. We have not been paying the full monthly amount of £8k but only £6k each month. Viv felt that we are now in a position to be able to repay what we owe, and it had been agreed that the PCC would review this.   

He commented that a neighbouring parish was in very similar financial difficulties and having to withhold part of their Parish Share payments.  

Clive Purkiss asked what reserves are available and Viv confirmed we have enough to carry on for 3 months.  

Hilary reminded the meeting of the archbishop’s statement that Parish Share should not impede mission. Viv reminded us that of the £96k annual payments, 2/3 of this was to cover the costs of having our own vicar.  

There was a discussion whether to pay back the £12k we owe to the diocese or to increase the monthly payments back to £8k /month.  

Viv asked the PCC to authorise that the £12k should be repaid to the diocese. The monthly payments would remain at £6k /month. He confirmed that we have the money available.  

This was proposed by the vicar and seconded by Sheila Austin. There were 7 in favour and 4 abstentions.  

Viv confirmed that the salary rises had been implemented and staff included in pension funds.  

Hilary asked Viv for clarification about the funding for the Base.  

7c. Churchwarden’s Report  

Sheila had circulated her report to the PCC.  

Regarding improvements, Hilary asked whether an offer to paint the Timothy Room by Peter Jones and Tony Thomas had been accepted. They were awaiting an answer.  

Clive Loder and Sheila are reviewing items that we might apply for using the diocesan grant. She pointed out that this will only cover 50% of the cost so fundraising will still be required by the parish.  

7d. Youth and Children’s work Report  

Hilary reported that the recent “sleepover” by the Base in the church rooms had been a success. The year 2 milestone set against the East Hampshire DC grant has now been met. Three families had attended the WAFFFL service the day before.  

7e. Pastoral Team Report  

Ros Balfour (though no longer a PCC member) had kindly provided a report which had been circulated to the PCC. She reported that an increasing number of parishioners are becoming housebound and would love to have some volunteer drivers to bring them to church services.  

A recent Holy Communion service at Moorlands Lodge was attended by 21 people. The vicar is visiting Green Gables Nursing Home regularly. Unfortunately, there are no contributions to church funds. Being so close to the church, Anne Gale-Jones had noted more residents attending a coffee morning in the Timothy Room – 12 at the last one.  

7f. Outreach Report  

Claire Haswell had provided a report which was circulated to the PCC. Jeremy thanked her for all the work she is doing in the village. Claire watches out for house sales and newcomers to the village and tries to connect and invite them to things at church.  

7g. Hospitality Report  

Anne Gale-Jones had kindly provided a report. The Arts Festival at the end of May made over £1260 towards church funds. Over the 3 days more than 400 people came through the church doors.  

The new fridge freezer in the kitchen was working well but an adjustment was needed for the door.  

The vicar thanked Anne for all her hard work.  

The meeting finished in prayer and the grace at 9.20 pm  

The next PCC meeting will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday 23rd September 2024. 

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