PCC 407

PCC Minutes: Monday 20th November 2023

St Luke’s Church, Grayshott

Meeting 407 of the PCC in the Church Hall at 7.30 pm.



PCC Members:  Revd Jeremy Haswell (Chairman), Sheila Austin, Edward Tobin, Clive Purkiss, Clive Loder, Hilary Loder, Jeremy Hassell, Alice Murphy, Frankie Kelly, Penny Thomas, Anne Gale-Jones, Ros Balfour, Viv Ward.


1. Welcome and opening prayer

Revd Haswell read a passage from John 15 v 5-9 and opened the meeting with a prayer.


2. Apologies

Philippa Whitaker, Chris Grocock


3. Minutes of PCC Meetings 406

The minutes were agreed. A copy of the minutes was signed by the chairman.


3a. Report of the Confidential Meeting on 9th October with the Archdeacon The Venerable Martin Breadmore and Revd David Senior, Mission Enabler, Diocese of Guildford. David Senior had included his comments which were noted by the PCC along with the PCC’s report of the meeting.


3b. Matters arising – action list.

Sharing the Load.

The vicar thanked Anne Gale-Jones for taking over as champion for hospitality. Her appointment was proposed by the vicar and seconded by Alice Murphy. It was approved unanimously.

Viv agreed to review other champions on the “Sharing the Load” document and Sheila asked for this be put on the agenda for the next PCC meeting.


Energy Efficiency.

Patrick and Clive had replaced the fluorescent lighting in the church hall and the vicar thanked them.



Anna Gilderson had updated the church’s Facebook page and was now updating the website.


Risk Assessments of youth activities – Hilary Loder and Rhys McClaren make a risk assessment for each special activity at the Base – e.g. Nerf Wars next Friday!


Safeguarding – Penny Thomas confirmed that all PCC members are DBS checked.


4. Finance Report

The treasurer was delighted to state that the actual budget for the past 9 months was not a negative figure. Unfortunately this was because the parish share of £8k/month had not been paid for 3 months from July – September.


The reforecast should be only a £2k deficit because of a saving of £2k /month as only £6k of the £8k monthly parish share donation was being paid. Since September the fixed gas price had gone down by 45% and for electricity 15%.

There had been a donation of £10k and a legacy of £5k.


Clive Purkiss expressed concern that, in the office, Anna Gilderson working 12 hours /week was overloaded with work and would soon need extra support.


For the 2024 budget, assuming inflation of 4%, Viv forecasted a £25,623 deficit on the basis that the diocese still require our annual parish share of £95,000 to be paid in full.


Sheila asked whether the money that had not been paid to the diocese in 2023 was included in the 2024 figures. Viv confirmed that the full £95k requested by the Diocese was included in the budget but it did not include the £12k shortfall from the current year,2023.


Viv had spoken to David Senior to ask whether the amount the diocese was expecting from us for parish share had changed. David had confirmed that, as Archdeacon Martin Breadmore had told us on October 9th, the diocese would not consider any change.


Sheila had attended a workshop by Jo Lambert at the churchwarden’s training day but found this of little benefit. Hilary Loder felt that the decision was entirely with Experion. There followed a general discussion on this.


Viv reminded the PCC that parish share data was based on average Sunday service attendance figures of: 2017           2018             2019             2022

                                  130              112             133                 66


The Youth Worker fund (to the end of September) showed a deficit of £11k. This was £2k worse than forecast but this was due to paying redundancy pay. We were lucky to receive a donation to pay the youth worker’s wages until the end of August 2023. Regular gift-aided giving had fallen to a very small figure but there were sundry donations that had partially offset this. The reforecast for the youth worker fund is a deficit of £8k whilst the cost of running the Base is now entirely covered by the East Hampshire fund.


Hilary asked for clarification about a donation from a trust for £5k towards the youth fund. The Vicar offered to try to find out.


The Vicar led the PCC in thanking Viv for all his efforts. He confirmed that there should be little risk of him being removed but warned that the “model of ministry” might change when the next incumbent is appointed if we do not pay the full Parish Share.


Viv had sent out a letter to the 212 names on the i-know register to request that they start or increase giving. This was drafted out by David Senior. He had received 19 replies of which 2 had asked for no further mail to be sent to them. A discussion followed. Some parishioners had told PCC members that they thought the letter was insulting – particularly suggesting that they divert their donations from other charities. Some people are giving in kind or of their time.


Viv introduced the papers prepared by Anna Gilderson proposing new rates for 2024 for the hire of church and church hall. For organisations already hiring, rates would be negotiated. Additional charges for heating were also discussed although not all hirers/users turned the heating. When the heating in the church is on, the doors must not be left open. Hilary reminded the PCC that the Base had to pay £50 to hire the scout hut for the last Friday evening and the heating was inadequate.


The vicar thanked Anna Gilderson for her work in preparing the revised hire charges.


Viv proposed that the 2024 budget of the general fund of a deficit of £25,624 be received by the PCC but that every effort be made to reduce this figure. This was seconded by Sheila Austin and approved by all PCC members.

The vicar proposed that the revised hire charges for the church and church hall/rooms be approved by the PCC with a revision on heating charges. This was seconded by Ros Balfour and all PCC members voted in favour.


5. Vicar’s Report

There had been a request to have the common cup again (as an option) at Communion. This was proposed by the vicar, seconded by Sheila and approved by the PCC.


There was a request to call the Timothy Room the “Church Hall”. Sheila related how the other rooms had been named by the late Revd Dennis Lusby. The vicar agreed that the name could be changed but, for the purposes of hiring, the specifications should be made clear to hirers.


The SIAMS (School Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) inspection had taken place at Grayshott School.


The template for the church website has to migrate at the end of November. Although the data will remain unchanged, the presentation will change. Anna Gilderson is happy to assist with this. Photos will be welcome – provided that they comply with safeguarding regulations.


6. Churchwardens’ Reports

The vicar thanked Clive Loder and Patrick Johnston for replacing the lighting in the church hall with LED lights. Also Richard Pimm for arranging the fire extinguisher testing. This year the cost including replacements was £488.


The tower clock had also recently needed repairing and the treasurer confirmed this would be paid for from the village to church budget.


We were very grateful to Grayshott Hidden Gardens for their donation of  £500 for bulbs around the church gardens. The churchyard team had planted these under the direction of Gill Purkiss. Thanks to all involved.


Publicity regarding the Christmas is Coming concert on December 2nd in church was discussed. This year it is with the choir of Aldro School, Shackleford.


7. Children & Youth Work

The vicar thanked Hilary for her report.


Tescos have donated 60 crackers for the Base Christmas Dinner.  A grant from East Hampshire had been given for new equipment. There will be a Christmas Holiday Club on 21st December. This year the Christinge service on Christmas Eve will be replaced with a Candle Service for Families.


8. Church Activities in school

The vicar thanked Susie Millard for her report and her work with Grayshott School which was noted at the SIAMS inspection. Also Carole Tynegate. Also for their preparation with the children for Remembrance Sunday.


9. Pastoral Work

The vicar thanked Ros for her report and discussed the work that was going on.


10.  Electoral Roll

John Haine, the Electoral Roll Officer had kindly provided a full updated report which showed that the present number on the Electoral Roll was 160.


The meeting finished in prayer at 9.30pm


The next PCC meeting will be on Monday 22nd January 2024 at 7.30pm.

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