PCC Minutes: Wednesday 19th April 2023
St Luke’s Church, Grayshott
Meeting 404 of the PCC in the church at 9.10pm
(Immediately following the APCM)
Present: Members: Revd Jeremy Haswell, Sheila Austin, Edward Tobin, Jeremy Hassell, Frankie Kelly, Alice Murphy, Viv Ward, Clive Purkiss, Ros Balfour, Penny Thomas, Hilary Loder, Clive Loder, Anne Gale-Jones and Philippa Whitaker
1. Welcome and opening prayer
Revd Haswell opened the meeting with a prayer.
2. Apologies: Chris Grocock
3. Elections, Co-options and appointments to the PCC
Chairman – Revd Haswell
Vice Chairman – Edward Tobin
Secretary – Sheila Austin
Treasurer – Viv Ward co-opted. Proposed – Sheila Austin; Seconded – Penny Thomas.
Approved Unanimously.
Assistant Churchwardens – Clive Loder, Richard Pimm, Patrick Johnston,
Jeremy Hassell
Standing Committee – Chairman, 2 Church Wardens, Treasurer, Ros Balfour
and Alice Murphy
Finance Working Group – PCC Chairman, Churchwarden (Sheila Austin), Treasurer, PCC Member(Frankie Kelly), Congregation Member(Jonathan Tippet)
Bank Signatories – General Fund: Revd Haswell, Viv Ward and Frankie Kelly
Stewardship Account: Jeremy Hassell and Viv Ward
Stewardship Recorder – Vacancy/Shelagh Edwards
Electoral Roll Officer – John Haine
Human Resources (HR) and Accessibility Officer- Clive Purkiss
Safeguarding Officers – Hilary Loder and Penny Thomas
Designated PCC Safeguarding Lead (DPSL) – Hilary Loder and Penny Thomas
Note; The above appointments were block proposed by Edward Tobin,
seconded by Clive Purkiss and approved unanimously.
4. Proposed Dates for Standing Committee and PCC Meetings
would be circulated by email.
5. The meeting closed with prayer at 9.30pm