PCC 399

PCC Minutes: Monday 4th July 2022

St Luke’s Church, Grayshott


Meeting 399 of the PCC in Timothy Room at 7.30 pm.



PCC Members: Revd Jeremy Haswell, Edward Tobin, Jeremy Hassell, Alice Murphy, Frankie Kelly, Allison Sutcliffe, Viv Ward.


In attendance:

Dan Bennett (youth minister), Brenda Schwartz (presenting outward giving report), Angela Haine (safeguarding officer).


1. Welcome and opening prayer

Revd Haswell opened the meeting and confirmed that, even with the low numbers of PCC members present, we were still quorate. He started the meeting in prayer.


2. Apologies:  Revd Elizabeth Knifton, Chris Grocock, Philippa Whitaker, Clive Loder, Penny Thomas, Floss Mitchell, Ros Balfour, Clive Purkiss, Clive Loder and Sheila Austin.


3. Annual Report on Safeguarding Policy

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Mrs Angela Haine, presented her report and statement of safeguarding policy. This had been circulated to the PCC in advance of the meeting.


She pointed out:    

  1. Guildford Diocese had recommended that all PCC members, as trustees of a charity, should be DBS tested.
  2. Revd Jeremy Haswell proposed this principle should be adopted at St Luke’s. It was seconded by Jeremy Hassell and agreed unanimously.
  3. Safeguarding training should be done by PCC members every 3 years (previously every 5 years). This can be done on line. Angela will email the link to Sheila Austin (acting PCC secretary) for circulation to all PCC members.
  4. As our PCC Designated Safeguarding Lead, Anna Finey, had resigned from the PCC a new Designating Safeguarding Lead (on the PCC) was required. There was no PCC member at this meeting who felt they could take on this position so Revd Jeremy Haswell agreed to ask a PCC member not at this meeting if they would be willing to take this on.
  5. The Statement of Safeguarding Policy would be adopted by the PCC and (3 copies) signed by the acting PCC secretary only once a Designated Safeguarding Lead had been appointed.
  6. Mrs Angela Haine informed the PCC that she intended to retire as the Parish Safeguarding Officer but would continue in the post until a suitable replacement could be found. Revd Haswell thanked her for all the hard work she had put in while in this post for several years.

Angela left the meeting at 8.05pm.


4. Report on Outward Giving


Brenda Schwartz had been invited to attend the meeting to present her report on behalf of the Outward Giving Group (OGG). This included the vicar and PCC members Ros Balfour and Philippa Whitaker though neither were able to attend this (rescheduled) meeting. The 4 page report gave full details of all the organisations supported by St. Luke’s PCC and a table showing specific amounts given to each charity over the past 4 years.


The total allocation is 10% of the income received by the church in the previous year. The total annual income of the church has been in decline over the past 4 years. The vicar pointed out that the 2022 allocation of £11,727 is £3.5k down on the 2021 allocation of £15,115.


The vicar, treasurer and Brenda pointed out the connections with the charities on the list. The OGG maintain the balance of charities from the UK and abroad – around the world rather than just in Africa. Certain charities are very dependent on the income they receive for specific staff salaries that these have been maintained at a constant level throughout. If we reduced these amounts, the charity would no longer be able to support the staff member e.g. for the family worker at St. Mark’s Church, Bordon.


The PCC treasurer, Viv Ward, told the meeting he had received a questionnaire from the diocese about the measures we were taking to maintain financial stability as a parish. Questions included whether we were laying off staff members or cutting back on our outward giving. The vicar stated he would deeply regret cutting back on the 10% giving maintained by this parish and Brenda said that, if this occurred, she would resign as chair of the OGG.


PCC members asked Brenda specific questions about the charities we give to.

  1. Although good contact is maintained with all the charities we support, with the constraints of lockdown, it has not been easy to arrange times for speakers to address congregations at St.Luke’s. Brenda pointed out that a 10 minute talk in a service is not sufficient and the aims are to keep the duration of services shorter than previously.
  2. It was asked whether any donations to organisations supported in the past had ever been stopped. In reply, the vicar, Brenda and Viv confirmed that this had occurred when a link between the charity and St.Luke’s PCC had lapsed.
  3. The outgoings to the charities are staggered throughout the year to avoid an acute cashflow crisis for the PCC.
  4. PCC members agreed with the vicar that any cutbacks would severely deprive the vulnerable people we are supporting.


Brenda offered to come to the next PCC meeting to present the recommendations of the OGG. The treasurer asked that, in view of the low number of PCC members present at this meeting, this meeting should defer a vote on the acceptance of the Outward Giving budget. Brenda left the meeting at 8.20pm.


5. Minutes of PCC Meeting 398 on Monday 9th May 2022


The minutes were agreed. proposed: Revd. Jeremy Haswell, seconded: Frankie Kelly.

A copy of the minutes was signed by the chairman (Revd. Jeremy Haswell).


Matters arising:

  1. Sharing the Load - Viv had updated the list of champions.
  2. Michael Lugg had kindly taken over financial duties previously carried out by the late Bill Melly whose funeral would take place on 11th July at 2.30pm.
  3. John Haine had taken over as Electoral Roll Officer from Sheila Austin who was now a churchwarden.
  4. The lead for Outreach and Hospitality was still unfilled.
  5. The vicar hoped someone might be found to take over i-know church IT training.


  1. Equality and Diversity.

The vicar had asked PCC member Penny Thomas to look into template policies we might base our policy on. Three policies had been suggested and one from St.Mary’s church, Redbourn seemed most appropriate for us. This will be circulated to PCC members

Did we want a written policy? - YES

Publish on noticeboard and website? - YES

Should this be separate from the safeguarding policy? - YES

This should be in place by 1st September so the draft will be circulated to the PCC members by email for their approval.

Allison Sutcliffe asked whether being a Christian should be a requirement for PCC Membership, and Viv asked whether it was a requirement to be named on the electoral roll.


  1. Vacancy for Foundation Governor at Grayshott C of E School.

Helen Williams was stepping down and Alice Murphy had offered her nomination. The vicar proposed Alice should be approved by the PCC for the post. Viv Ward seconded. The PCC gave unanimous support. The other Foundation Governor from the church (apart from the vicar) was Lorinda (Linda) Holbrook.


6) Presentation on Parish Pledge on Modern Slavery


As a diocesan lead for the Surrey Anti-Slavery Partnership, Allison Sutcliffe presented a project pioneered in Reigate Deanery based on a “business” pledge to identify and prevent churches becoming involved in modern day slavery. Particular attention should be paid when PCC’s take the cheapest tender for work to be done as workers may be denied basic rights. Also car wash workers and those working in nail bars. Alison cited examples showing the problem is widespread in Surrey. Free online courses are available for PCC members at https://theclewerinitiative.org/


The vicar gave support for Allison particularly in presenting this to our local deanery. He pointed out that training and education should be encouraged.


He proposed that the PCC vote to adopt the policy at the September PCC meeting


7) Parish Funding Programme


A paper had been circulated to the PCC from Sheila Austin summarising the team’s plans. Households on the electoral roll had received an information leaflet and response form. Of the 121 households, 49 had completed response forms. 30 had increased their regular giving and there had been 8 new regular givers.


Phase 2 included an article written by Floss Mitchell in the current Grayshott Today magazine. This will be followed by a Village 2 Church Appeal in September. The vicar thanked Sheila for recycling leaflets used in the past ensuring further budget savings.


The treasurer told the PCC that an extra £650 month had been pledged before the June figures had been calculated. This made the anticipated increase to the general fund  £7,000 (of the aimed £40,000). A single donor had also pledged £5,000 / year for the next 3 years for the youth fund. In addition, an application had been made to East Hampshire District Council for a £7,000 grant towards the youth club. The outcome of the application will be announced during August.

The vicar thanked Sheila Austin, Floss Mitchell and all on the Parish Funding Team


8) Vicar’s Report

Jeremy apologised that he had just recovered from Covid and had not been able to provide a report. He reported on the following


Parish Needs Process

Jeremy pointed out that Church House in Guildford has slimmed down the staffing.

In our deanery, Jeremy would be attending a meeting at St. Alban’s, Hindhead on 5th July.

On 10th September there will deanery meeting which will give the opportunity for members of the PCC to join clergy to prepare a Mission Action Plan for this parish.


Vicar’s PA resignation

Barbara Johnston had tended her resignation from September though will be on holiday in South Africa in August. She had also been doing 2 hours book keeping (finance) / week. Jeremy thanked her for all the work she had done over her many years in post.

Allison Sutcliffe asked whether the new job description for her replacement might include the work of the PCC secretary (the post was unfilled at present). They would also attend PCC Standing Committee setting the agenda for PCC meetings.

The treasurer told the meeting this was originally in Madi’s job description but is no longer in operation.

PCC member for HR, Clive Purkiss, was just recovering from heart surgery but the vicar hoped he would be able to help with the new appointment.


Resignation of Julia Hedger leading Babes & Toddlers

A new leader is being sought.


Services for people from Ukraine have been well received although it is hoped that more members of St.Luke’s congregation might attend to worship with the Ukrainians.


9) Administration Team Report

The Assistant Churchwardens were reviewing the routine maintenance contract of the tower clock.

It was felt that service from Smiths of Derby had been consistently poor and a quote from a competitor (The Cumbria Clock Company) of £195 + VAT had been circulated to PCC members. However, details of the present expenditure were not available. The quotation also specified that new steel weight lines and hammer wires would be fitted by them and then guaranteed for 10 years. The vicar asked whether there would be an additional cost implication.

Once these points had been clarified, PCC members would be informed by email and a decision made whether to change the contractor.


Music in church had been discussed at the Assistant Churchwardens’ Meeting.

Jeremy explained that his son Christopher has less time to organise the recorded accompanying music now and will be handing over to Patrick Johnston. Jeremy was also looking into sharing a music band with another local church so that live music could resume.


10) Finance Report

Viv presented the accounts to 2022 which were presented on one-drive. The June figures would be available for the September meeting. He pointed out that savings had been made on budgeted expenses by not having a worship leader or organist. However, our congregation numbers may be diminishing because there is no worship leader at the 10.30 Sunday service.


The Vicar’s Relief Fund still has a healthy balance. Payments are being made to those in need.


Church collections – QR code – sum-up can take card payments. A scheme costing £400 outlay was not cost effective as the card reader could not be left in church unattended.


Edward Tobin thanked Jeremy Hassell for his restoration of the donations box in the wall by the back of the church.


11) Youth Report


Holiday Club will have use of the sports hall at St.Edmund’s School. A sports camp (of about 10 members) may have to share the use of the sports hall if it rains.


Dan pointed out that Anna Finey had been the Children & Youth Champion when she was on the PCC. Jeremy Hassell had offered to take over this duty which was welcomed by the PCC.


Jeremy Hassell and Alice Murphy will be joining the youth club at their YMCA house on August Bank Holiday.


The treasurer pointed out that, if the grant application for £7,000 from EHDC is successful, we are committed to providing a service for 40 sessions of the Base each year. He asked if arrangements might be put in place for unforeseen circumstances e.g. if Dan was off sick or when the Timothy Room is used by Grayshott Concerts. He suggested that a protocol could be put in place so meetings are not cancelled.


The vicar pointed out that good record keeping was essential as EHDC are likely to oversee the contract.


12) Report on Prayer & Discipleship

The vicar thanked Brenda for her report and all the work she has put in.


13) Report on Pastoral Work

The vicar thanked Ros for all her report and all the work she has put in.

He is once again taking monthly midweek communion services He hoped to start up the dementia choir at Moorlands Lodge Nursing Home again.


The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer and the Grace at 9.40 pm

The date of the next Meeting 26 September 2022



  1. Equality and Diversity Policy
  2. Clock Maintenance
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