PCC 398

PCC Minutes: Monday 9th May 2022

St Luke’s Church, Grayshott


Meeting 398 of the PCC in Timothy Room at 7.30 pm.


Present:  Members: Revd Jeremy Haswell, Edward Tobin, Jeremy Hassell, Frankie Kelly, Allison Sutcliffe, Viv Ward, Clive Purkiss, Penny Thomas and Philippa Whitaker


Secretary in attendance: Sheila Sandison


1. Welcome and opening prayer

Revd Haswell opened the meeting with a prayer and spoke about the Ukrainian Service held yesterday. The pastor Andriy Kopylash preached and 50 plus people attended. Revd Haswell said the whole event was very much a reflection of love and life which is at the heart of his vision for St Luke’s.


2. Apologies:  Revd Elizabeth Knifton, Chris Grocock, Clive Loder, Alice Murphy, Floss Mitchell, Ros Balfour, Dan Bennett and Sheila Austin.


3. Elections, Co-options and appointments to the PCC

 Chairman – Revd Haswell - confirmed.

Vice Chairman – Edward Tobin - confirmed.

Secretary – Sheila Sandison

Treasurer – Viv Ward co-opted. Proposed - Allison Sutcliffe; Seconded – Penny Thomas. Approved Unanimously.

Assistant Churchwardens – Clive Loder, Richard Pimm, Patrick Johnston, Jeremy Hassell and Anna Finey (resigned from the PCC but remains an Assistant Churchwarden).

Standing Committee – Chairman, 2 Church Wardens, Treasurer, Secretary, plus one other (yet to be confirmed).

Finance Working Group –  PCC Chairman, Churchwarden (Sheila Austin), Treasurer, PCC Member(Frankie Kelly), Congregation Member(Viv Ward offered to invite Jonathan Tippett to be the Congregation Member)

Bank Signatories – General Fund: Revd Haswell, Viv Ward and Frankie Kelly

                    Stewardship Account: Jeremy Hassell and Viv Ward

Stewardship Recorder – David Preston/Shelagh Edwards - confirmed

Electoral Roll Officer – Sheila Austin - confirmed.

Human Resources (HR) and Accessibility Officer- Clive Purkiss - confirmed

Children and Vulnerable Adults Officer – Angela Haine.

Designated PCC Safeguarding Lead (DPSL) – Anna Finey (tbc)


4. Revd Haswell thanked Allison Sutcliffe for her new work in the Social Justice field and acknowledged her wish to stand down from her role as Champion for the Outreach & Hospitality Groups.


5a. Safeguarding Report – Postponed to the next Meeting


5b. Re-Licencing of LLM Susie Millard.

Revd Haswell said it was the time to consider the Re-Licencing of Susie Millard as one of our Local Lay Ministers, and he asked for the PCC’s support with the following words:

The PCC of St Luke’s Church, Grayshott supports the Vicar, Revd Jeremy Haswell, in his request that the LLM Licence of Susie Millard be renewed for a further 5 years.

Proposed by Frankie Kelly; Seconded by Jeremy Hassell.

                                                                                     Approved – Unanimously



6. The Proposed Dates for Standing Committee and PCC Meetings were approved.


7. AOB:

a. Viv Ward raised the issue of a Equality and Diversity Policy and that St Luke’s did not have one. He asked if there should be one? Penny Thomas suggested our policy is to welcome everyone. Viv Ward noted that the Diocesan website had helpful guidance on such policies. Revd Haswell agreed this would be useful and would look into it with Sheila Austin. Revd Haswell added that he wanted the PCC to ensure St Luke’s had all necessary policies in place this year.


b. Anna Finey has resigned from the PCC and as Champion for Children and Youth. Penny Thomas asked that thanks be given to Anna Finey for all her dedicated work in this and other areas during her PCC Membership. Agreed by all.


8. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer at 8.20pm



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