PCC 396

PCC Minutes: Monday 24th January 2022

St Luke’s Church, Grayshott


Meeting 396 of the PCC in Timothy Room at 7.30 pm.


Present:  Members: Revd Jeremy Haswell, Edward Tobin, Clive Loder,  Jeremy Hassell (joined via ZOOM), Floss Mitchell, Anna Finey, Clive Purkiss, Ros Balfour, Alice Murphy, Penny Thomas.


In attendance: Sheila Austin (Secretary), Anna Lescure (observing)


1. Welcome and opening prayer

Revd Haswell opened the meeting with a prayer and a reading.


2. Apologies:  Revd Elizabeth Knifton, Frankie Kelly, Allison Sutcliffe, Viv Ward,

Chris Grocock, Dan Bennett


3. Minutes of the last meeting. The Minutes of PCC Meeting 395 were approved unanimously and signed by Revd Jeremy Haswell.


4. Action List

a. Sharing the Load: Viv Ward had asked that PCC members be reminded that it was for the “Champions” to control their area, by communication with the people listed and bring any concerns to the PCC. If PCC members notice any changes needed in the document, they should tell the “Champion” who, if they agree, can notify Viv Ward who maintains the Master Document.

b. IKnow Church: Revd Haswell advised the meeting that Barbara Johnston is looking into how IKnow Church can be rolled out for a wider group, and this work is ongoing.

c. Fundraising Group: This subject will be covered later but Revd Haswell did announce that he has a volunteer to replace Shelagh Edwards, and this was being processed with Viv Ward and Shelagh.

d. Headstone Care: The Diocese has said that if we want to remove hazardous Headstones to an alternative location a Faculty will be required. A ‘cover-all’ Faculty could be applied for when it was necessary to take this action.

e. Health & Safety Policy: Edward Tobin had produced  a Policy agreed with the Assistant Churchwardens, posted on the Shared Drive at the meeting. Revd Haswell reminded the meeting that all policies needed PCC approval, and this needed to be discussed by email.

f. The sub-committee on Junior Church: Some details to follow in Anna Finey’s Report but it was announced that Junior Church had been held on two previous Sundays and were successful.


At This point Revd Haswell used his Vicar’s Report to cover the next two Agenda Items.


5. Vicar’s Report - Financial Situation, Review of Services and Covid situation.


Financial Situation Revd Haswell said the key thing was that the PCC own the financial situation and a leader for the Fundraising Group (FG) was being sought to push the process forward. He added that worrying about something didn’t achieve anything, but we must do something about it, as Trustees there could be implications for all members. Revd Haswell said the key thing was to increase the planned giving. Edward Tobin said that the Donation Box in church could be better identified, making it easier for visitors to donate, while this would not fix everything it could bring in some money.

Floss Mitchell said that we shouldn’t wait for a lead person, the situation was so urgent that something needs to be done now. She restated that regular giving was key. Penny Thomas questioned if people realised there was a problem? Revd Haswell replied that he hasn’t been making a big noise about the problem because we need to have a strategy behind it. Penny Thomas wondered if there was a percentage increase that could be asked for rather than saying we need a large amount? She also said that not so many people were carrying cash since the COVID period. A variety of alternative ways of giving were discussed. Anna Finey encouraged the reintroduction of the collection plate; she had been asked by several people wanting to give. Edward Tobin suggested an article be included in the next edition of Grayshott Today advising the wider community of the situation. Revd Haswell agreed to include something on the subject in his next published letter. The meeting generally felt that as the church was a village asset, an approach in this way was appropriate. Floss Mitchell added that the church family issue was connected to the work of the church, but the village issue was about the building and ensuring it is well maintained and available when needed. As a member of the FG, she outlined three specific areas to be addressed;

  • regular giving,
  • project-based giving and the
  • maintenance of the physical assets.

However they didn’t need to be tackled as one.

Anna Finey said when communicating to the village on this issue Dan Bennett’s part in providing youth activity and that the church paid for most of this should be emphasised.


She added her support for the proposal to use the front of the church as a drop off for Grayshott School children,  it was important to check on any insurance implications. Edward Tobin undertook to check with Ecclesiastical Insurers.


Review of Services. The worship subcommittee had proposed the current pattern should continue with a few tweaks, including the introduction of  a short Holy Communion at 12noon on the third Sundays. Revd Haswell  would communicate with Moorlands to introduce a mid-week Holy Communion service which would be open to all, this to start the first week in February. It was planned to develop the 10.30am service so the liturgy was more accessible and to reintroduce live worship as soon as possible. Floss Mitchell provided the revised schedule which is attached to these minutes at Appendix A. The subcommittee will review the pattern again after Easter. Sue Wilson had asked Revd Haswell if  it is time to start the Traditional Worship Committee, he had agreed once COVID restrictions allowed.

Floss Mitchell proposed the PCC approve the revised pattern of services;  seconded by Penny Thomas. Approved unanimously.


Family Service. Anna Finey reported that a group had met and agreed that for Family Services  there needed to be more freedom around the church, currently inhibited by Covid. She said the group wanted more time to research other churches activities and decide a long term strategy. It was hoped to have the first new style service on Palm Sunday. The initial plan was to serve refreshments before the service but if the first Sunday was used this would clash with Parish Breakfast. The solution was to have the Family Service planned by the group on the third Sunday which could then be followed by the 12 noon Traditional Communion Service. Floss Mitchell stressed the importance of good publicity to any changes. Revd Haswell thanked everyone who had invested in working on these changes, he said there was real energy and a sense that we were beginning to open up.


The meeting paused for prayer.


Returning to the agenda Floss Mitchell asked about the Covid situation. Revd Haswell said the new guidelines were expected on Thursday 27th but nothing had been received from the Diocese or Church of England. He added we should remain mindful of others and while some are relaxing the medical advice was that we should be cautious. Floss Mitchell suggested an area be made for those who wished to attend but remain socially distant and thought the south aisle might be best as it is nearer the main door for ventilation. Revd Haswell agreed this was a very sensible suggestion.







7. Reports Revd Haswell stated as all reports had been circulated, he expected only additions or questions arising from them.


a. Finance. Covered fully at Item 5.


b. Buildings & Grounds/Administration.   Further to his report Edward Tobin said that the clock repair, to enable the quarters chime, would hopefully be the end of January. He added that he’d received a donation towards a new fridge for the kitchen.


c. Children and Youth Report. Anna Finey added to her report that Susie Millard and Dan Bennet had held a debrief on Holiday Club 2021. A plan of action for the 2022 Holiday Club was being produced. Revd Haswell said he had seen it and milestones for the next Holiday Club were being set out.


d Prayer and Discipleship. Revd Haswell wanted recorded how much work Brenda Schwartz was doing, supporting the Morning Meditation Group, praying for Sunday services, involved in preaching and planning for Lent.


e. Pastoral Report. Ros Balfour explained there had been no Friendship Lunch in January because it had been New Years Day but there would be one in February. She added that telephone communication still remained the most useful for keeping in touch. Revd Haswell said he conducted a worship service at Moorlands which had been attended by about 30 people. He had visited Spy Roots in Huntington House, but the home was very much locked down and nothing more could be done at the moment.


f. Outreach /Hospitality Report This report reflects the  ongoing situation with Oasis, Family & Men’s Breakfasts which were happening. A new group “Superheros” is run by Kirsty Bourgogne and Claire Haswell to reach out to families with children with disabilities, meeting once a fortnight alternately in the Church Room (am) and the Fox and Pelican (pm).


8. Any other business The meeting was advised that the Outward Giving Group (OGG) proposed payments had been approved by email: 10 in favour with 5 abstentions. It was agreed that future OGG proposals should be presented to a PCC meeting for discussions, and to understand the thinking behind them.


9. Closing Prayer

Revd Haswell closed the meeting with a prayer at 09.00pm









Appendix A           

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