PCC 392

PCC Minutes: Monday 17th May 2021

St Luke’s Church, Grayshott


Meeting 392 of the PCC via Zoom commencing at 7.30 pm. 


Present:  Members: Revd Jeremy Haswell, Edward Tobin, Lin Corlett, Clive Loder, Viv Ward, Alice Murphy, Jeremy Hassell, Christopher Grocock, Frankie Kelly, Floss Mitchell, Allison Sutcliffe, Anna Finey, Clive Purkiss.


In attendance: Angela Haine (Safeguarding Officer), Dan Bennett (Youth Worker) and Sheila Austin (Secretary)


1. Welcome and opening prayer

Revd Haswell opened the meeting with a prayer and a reading from Psalm 127. He  welcomed Floss Mitchell, Frankie Kelly, Ros Balfour and Penny Thomas newly appointed at the APCM.


2. Apologies:  Revd Elizabeth Knifton, Ros Balfour, Penny Thomas


3. Minutes of the last meeting. The Minutes of meeting 391, proposed by Anna Finey, seconded by Lin Corlett approved unanimously and signed by Revd Jeremy Haswell.


4.Elections, Co-options and appointments:

  A number of appointments needed to be approved and it was intended to block the uncontested ones together:

Chairman – Revd Haswell.

Vice Chairman – Edward Tobin.

Secretary – Sheila Austin.

Stewardship Recorder – Viv Ward/Shelagh Edwards

Electoral Roll Officer – Sheila Austin.

Human Resources (HR) and Accessibility Officer- Clive Purkiss

Children and Vulnerable Adults (Safeguarding) Officer – Angela Haine.

Designated PCC Safeguarding Lead (DPSL) – Anna Finey

Proposed by Clive Loder, seconded by Allison Sutcliffe approved unanimously.


Treasurer – Viv Ward approved by email 1 May 2021.


Assistant Churchwardens – Clive Loder, Richard Pimm, Patrick Johnston, Anna Finey, Julia Hedger. Proposed by Floss Mitchell, seconded by Allison Sutcliffe approved unanimously

Standing Committee (SC) – the purpose of the SC was explained by Viv Ward: To produce the Agenda for the following PCC meeting; to approve small items, under £250, that are unbudgeted; to act on any referrals from the PCC. It is for the PCC to decide what it wants the SC to do. During the discussion on the frequency of SC meetings it was said that an important reason for the weekly meetings had been to process applications for the Vicar’s Relief Fund – giving Revd Haswell accountability for the approval of the applications. Edward Tobin added that with only one Churchwarden it had been essential for the support of the regular SC meetings. He confirmed that all major decisions had been referred to the PCC, often by email which had worked efficiently. It was agreed future SC meetings will be scheduled to set the PCC Agenda but if changes to Government guidelines required a meeting one would be convened, and details of that meeting communicated to the PCC. Floss Mitchell said that it was sensible for the SC to make emergency decisions, but the default position would be to set the PCC Agenda, with the capacity to meet if necessary. The members of the SC were presently  - PCC Chairman,  Church Warden, Treasurer, Secretary, plus two others. 


Floss Mitchell proposed Allison Sutcliffe and Anna Finey be the nominated PCC members of the SC, seconded by Lin Corlett- approved unanimously.


Finance Working Group (FWG) –  Viv Ward told the meeting that the Treasurer gets on with finance matters all year but needs help occasionally with decisions and the FWG provides this support. The current FWG membership - PCC Chairman, Warden, Treasurer, Stewardship Recorder, Congregation Member, PCC Member. Frankie Kelly offered to join the FWG and it was agreed to ask Brenda Schwartz to join as the congregation member. (POST MEETING NOTE – Brenda agreed)


Bank Signatories- General Fund – Viv Ward, Revd Haswell and Frankie Kelly

  • Stewardship Account – Jeremy Hassell and Viv Ward

Proposed by Anna Finey, seconded by Christopher Grocock approved unanimously


5. Safeguarding Report. Revd Haswell thanked Angela Haine for looking after the Safeguarding aspects of St Luke’s, her diligence in the job and her connection with the Diocese. Angela asked for confirmation that her report had been read, this was given. She drew attention to how important the Safeguarding Training was and the Diocese recommends PCC members should do a refresher course every three years. It was now possible to do the training online. The Safeguarding Policy needed to be approved  and the PCC to authorise the PCC Secretary to sign the document on their behalf. Jeremy Hassell proposed; Clive Loder seconded – approved unanimously.

Angela Haine left the meeting at 8.25pm


6. Finance. Viv Ward referred to his published report and focused on main issues. Statutory Accounts all good. Accounts to March – General Fund (GF) and Youth Fund (YF) are both very close to Budget for the 1st quarter. The GF total year figure, for which the PCC set a budget £23k deficit. In view of this it was planned to form a Stewardship and Fundraising Team (SFT) to raise money to enable us to balance the books. This group has yet to be formed, due mainly to COVID lockdown. Therefore the reforecast for the year is worse at £26k. The main reason for this is a drop in regular Gift Aid giving. It was vital to get the SFT together to raise funds to bridge the gap.

The YF is more of a concern because substantial income ceased in April, albeit for perfectly understandable reasons. The consequences are that the PCC set a deficit budget of £7k but due to the reduced income this figure is now £12k. Viv advised the meeting that the YF will be in trouble by probably Easter 2022, when it would run out of money. The shortfall in the YF could be covered by a transfer from the GF but with the problems in that fund we will be in difficulty. Viv emphasised that action needs to be taken to raise income and reduce costs. The PCC needed to be aware of the seriousness of the situation. In view of the implications for the youth work Revd Haswell and Viv Ward had discussed it with Dan Bennett assuring him of the PCC’s commitment to respond very positively and vigorously to the needs of the youth.

Suggestions were made to help raise funds, but Viv said it was important to form the SFT first to decide strategy to tackle the situation. He added that the Diocese could provide very good support in this area and there were helpful courses that the SFT could investigate. Clive Purkiss and Floss Mitchell agreed to be members of the SFT, but Revd Haswell said a leader was required but it need not be a PCC member. Revd Haswell proposed a meeting be arranged with Floss, Clive Purkiss, Viv and himself to discuss how the strategy for any announcement and exactly what was needed. Action: Meeting to be held within two weeks.




7a. The Oasis Project.  Revd Haswell thanked Allison and Alice Murphy for their report and asked what was needed from the PCC. Allison asked for comments and Alice for bright ideas. Revd Haswell said he recognised how much this initiative was needed as he had that morning spoken to someone who needed just this kind of support. Alice added the key to this initiative working would be people knowing of its existence when up and running and people talking about it. Allison said that more people were needed to be involved and a venue found. Lin Corlett recognised the need and was keen to be involved. Allison added that the focus was on Wholeness and being well rather than problems in life. It was acknowledged that a suitable venue was proving difficult but  what was really needed was a space to be okay and feel supported.


7b. Administration. Edward Tobin advised the meeting that the Quinquennial Inspection had taken place and although the report had not yet arrived, he believed most of the aspects can be sorted by the Assistant Churchwardens. It was necessary to have an Asbestos Survey, and this had been carried out on 26th April and some asbestos found in Timothy Room. The report was awaited.

Edward hoped that normal use of the Church Rooms could be resumed after 21st June. In connection with this he had been approached by Crossways Counselling, a Christian counselling organisation, to use the rooms on a regular basis. The PCC agreed in principle but needed more details and wanted priority of use to be given to church existing activities. Revd Haswell said the general consensus was that it is a great idea and if we can support it, we must. Edward would liaise with the Trustees of Crossways Counselling to arrange a visit.


7c. Prayer and Discipleship. Brenda Schwartz had produced a report to inform the PCC of things going on. Revd Haswell said how grateful he was for Brenda, for all she was doing to support him and others. Although not a member of the PCC Brenda would be continuing her involvement in our planning for the future.


8. PCC Away Day – Follow Up. Revd Haswell thanked Lin Corlett for collating the information from the Away Day led by Danny Wignall. This subject required more time than was available now and therefore a further PCC meeting was needed. Following a discussion regarding the favoured time for this extra meeting it was agreed to hold it on Monday 7th June at 7.30pm by Zoom. Revd Haswell said he would prepare a framework for the meeting so there will be an objective and clearer sense of direction.


9.Any other Business. The following have been approved unanimously by email:

             Paternity Leave – 26 March 2021

             Annual Accounts – 14 April 2021

             Asbestos Inspection – 20 April 2021

             Co-option of Viv Ward as Treasurer – 1 May 2021


10.Closing Prayer

Revd Haswell closed the meeting with a prayer at 9.35pm


Signed 12th July 2021



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